When DB has finished the power (norm will finish before the DA baracks) start building a supply center about 1 supply center away from a supply pile (can be closer if you want but be quick) I can't stress how important remembering to build this supply center is. When your first dozer makes it to the other side start making a baracks, use the dozer that came out the command center to make a power plant. When the game starts Drive your first dozer (DA) over the bridge and start making another dozer (DB).
Use inf and Final Crusade map (uncheck all other maps) The real downside about Dozers/workers is that its so easy to just go and start building baracks/wars right outside your enemys base. To be perfectly honist i am easily the best ZH player on NZ trust me it will take about 100 losses before you pick it up Online Quick Matches are ALL about speed.
I swear i beat someone called englishpremier or similar.