The grid you see over them is from photoshop, they aren’t actually in the file, but it’s useful to see how the game divides them up. These images are the kind you’ll find most of the sprites in VX ace set to. Ok the thing I was originally going to post was actually a confusion on my part between real_x and x in scripting, so let’s ignore that for now and give some visual aids. Just be sure to make it exactly the size or you’ll get animations not working properly. The engine will then change the sheet to fit the 4x2 layout. Thus, if you want to make a sheet of sprites that are a different size than the norm, just make sure to have four instances of animation across and two instances down. It takes the width and says ‘break this into 12 equal parts’ then takes the height and says 'break this into 8 equal parts’ and that’s what gives the cell heights/widths. What this means is that it’s not about the width or height of the cells but that of the sheet. It’s a subtle difference, but it makes things a hell of a lot easier. That is, instead of telling itself ‘this is 32 x 32’ is says ‘this sprite sheet, when divided into four across and two down, becomes a 32 x 32 grid of animations’. This response from Liberty on the forums explains it better than I can:Īce (and VX) reads sprite sheets without an $ in front of their name as two lines of four animation sets.